Badges of Story, Not Shame

My body is created, knit together, strong, wonderful, just as it says in the Bible. Yet some days I catch my reflection and don’t recognize my hips. I scrutinize my wrinkles and sun spots, rather than wear them as reminders of laughter and days at the beach. 

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13 ESV

When I sit far too long on the floor with my kids on the floor, I groan, stretch, and wobble up our stairs, instantly fighting back shame and embarrassment. This body that aches is the same one that was paralyzed 5 years ago, the same body that carried my children, and still comforts loved ones. The cellulite and stretch marks that I notice on my stomach could tell the story of carrying children, running and biking long distances, and activity.

As the reflection displays bumps across my hairline that should be covered with a hat or bangs, I push back the feelings of vanity and wear the badge proudly of a woman who survived a brain tumor. 

On the inside we have wounds, scars, aches. They look and feel differently, and are not noticeable to the eye. Words that we were hurt by can be redeemed by God, lies spoken over us uncovered and healed by our Healer. Doubts crushed by faith.

Let us wear our badges with God’s grace and through His eyes. My body is God’s workmanship. Your body is God’s workmanship, FOR A PURPOSE.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 ESV

Now, let us embrace our stories, throw off the shame, and walk in those works…one step at a time.