What to do before the anxiety hits...

Please know I’m speaking to the physical side of anxiety some days of this series, and other days I’m speaking to the spiritual side. Today I’m sharing some thoughts on combatting the physical aspects of anxiety.

Before we start, I always want you to sense hope whenever you read what I write. Some days I think in lists, and other days in stories. Know that although I was stuck in a cycle of anxiety for years, there is hope, freedom is possible.

A piece of advice…

DO help talk through things and a plan of action when feeling well. Do not wait until anxiety has overcome the moment.

Now onto the tips and reflection questions…

  • Tell a loved one. I will sometimes text my husband and let him know I need him to pray. He will often check in with me a bit later to see if I’ve stepped into more anxiety, or gotten off that track quickly.

  • Rest well. This does not mean Netflix or social media.

  • Limit social media. The news often feeds and profits from fear.

  • Make healthy choices when you are feeling good (like getting out of the house or joining in on a travel adventure.)

  • Exercise. Maybe have someone encourage you to do this by helping to carve out time, getting proper clothing, and setting realistic goals. I find raising my heart rate for 20 minutes each day helps.

  • Prepare healthy foods.

  • Cut out caffeine.

  • Enjoy a cup of decaf tea. There are some great calming teas that I enjoy.

  • Drink enough water. This is huge!

  • Journal (this can go into another post with prayer journal and Bible reading time.)

  • Check the calendar. Have you had something stressful the last few weeks that has impacted your ability to rest/recoup?

  • Check the calendar this time through the lens of hormones. There are certain days where my body tells my brain I should be anxious, but by God’s wisdom and grace I’ve been able to use my list (free download here), and not spiral out of control.

If you have found any of these tips or reflection questions handy, go ahead and download a sheet with these and others for free.

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